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                                                       2018 Fire Muster Events and Rules
General Rules and Regulations 
Any member of a legally organized fire department may participate in the competition. Team does NOT have to consist of members from the same department. 
Teams must consist of a five (5) person team with one (1) person being selected as Team Captain. Teams may have two (2) additional members to substitute in case of injury or disqualification. 
The five (5) person team will receive an event t-shirt and meal ticket with paid registration.
Each team event will be timed with points awarded as follows: 1st place:  30 points, 2nd place:  20 points, 3rd place:  15 points, 4th place:  10 points, 5th place:  5 points
At the completion of the four (4) team events, points will be added and the team with the most points declared the overall winner
In the event of a point tie, the times of all events for the tied teams will be totaled and the team with the lowest total time wins. 
Teams must participate in all team events to be eligible to win.  Disqualification from an event for reasons other than misconduct does not constitute ‘non-participation.’ 
Any infraction of the rules and regulations by a team member may disqualify the team from the particular event.  The head judge will determine whether time penalties or disqualification will be issued. 
Penalties where not otherwise specified will be three (3) seconds. 
Penalties will not be issued for leaking hose connections; although the team will be penalized should the connection “blow apart” due to improper connection
A team will only be allowed one chance to complete an event, unless there is an equipment malfunction.  If equipment malfunction occurs, upon the head judge’s review and approval, no penalty will be issued, and the team will be allowed to repeat the event. 
Penalties, disqualification, or ejection from competition for profanity or misconduct by the team members will be issued at the discretion of the head judge. 
Hose, nozzles, and equipment other than personal protective clothing will be provided and must be used by all teams.  Teams may not substitute their own equipment. 
Protective clothing is required for all team events and consists of helmet, coat, pants, boots and gloves.  All protective clothing shall be NFPA approved structural firefighting gear.  Hip boots are not acceptable in lieu of bunker pants
When an event requires a target to be knocked over, it must be knocked over by a fire stream. 
All decisions of the head judge are final. 
No alcoholic beverages will be consumed while in the overall vicinity of the competition.  Abuse of this rule will be grounds for immediate disqualification. Any participant under the influence of alcohol or narcotics will be disqualified.
Individual Rapid Dress will determine placement for the start of the events.
                                                      Individual Rapid Dress
 Teams will select one firefighter from the team to participate in the Rapid Dress. The objective of this event is to “suit up” as quickly and correctly as possible and be ready to enter a burning building.  We will be looking for correctness as well as rapidity.  If, for any reason, the judges feel that the firefighter is not properly attired, the firefighter may be disqualified, or penalty points added to the finishing time. 
 This is an individual event.  It is to be done with no trick equipment.  Equipment and gear used MUST be of the type normally used by the firefighting personnel. The firefighter is to use his/her own bunker gear. 
 The event starts with the firefighter in street clothes or work uniform.  If the firefighter has on lace-up shoes they must be tied (loosely if desired).  In the case of zippered boots, the zipper may be down.  Closed toes shoes must be worn to start competition. 
 The bunker coat must have ALL snaps snapped, zippers zipped, Velcro aligned properly and attached securely, d-rings snapped, or any other method of attachment fastened as it was designed to be worn on both inner and outer closures.  Liners must be used. Suspenders must be attached and used.  Pants must be secured at the waist and the fly must be secured tightly.  Liners must be used. 
 To begin, the breathing apparatus is to be turned off, straps extended, and the regulator not pre-attached to the face piece unless so designed by the manufacturer.  If a type of SCBA is worn that has a low-pressure hose this shall not be pre-attached to the regulator.  The firefighter may use any method to don the SCBA.  Upon completion of the event the SCBA must be in full operation to include:  A. Air on fully B. Regulator attached securely to the face piece or low-pressure hose attached securely to the regulator. C. Waist belt buckled D. Face piece (Mask) properly in place and secure.  
 Nomex hood shall be worn properly, so as to cover any exposed skin and face piece harness assembly with NO visible skin showing around hood or SCBA face piece.  Hood goes over face piece harness assembly. Helmet strap must be under chin and drawn tight as to assure it will stay on in actual conditions.  Gloves are to be on at the completion of the event.  If coat is equipped with thumbed wristlet, non-gauntlet gloves may be used.  Coats without thumbed wristlets will require a gauntlet type glove.
 The gear must be NFPA structural firefighting protective clothing.  The firefighter may lay out the gear in any manner he/she chooses.  No braces, brackets, hangers, or outside help may be used.  The firefighter will stand beside his gear and time will start when the firefighter “makes his move” for his gear.  The firefighter will start with hands in the air. 
 When the firefighter has completed the event, he/she should hold gloved hands above the head to signal completion.  The hands are to remain in this position to enable the judges to ensure that all criteria have been met. 
                                                                  Midnight Alarm
 Teams will lay on the starting line in the prone position. Judge will sound the alarm. Members will cover 30ft to donning station. Members must wear all structural firefighting gear. Facemask will not be included. All gear must be properly donned. Members will then cover 30ft to the apparatus. Members will deploy 3 (three) sections of 2&1/2 line with nozzle to be connected to the apparatus. Members will cover 100ft to the end line where they will knock down an orange cone.
Clock will stop when all members cross the line and the cone is knocked over.
The Nozzle must cross the line.
All hose connected.
All gear donned.
                                                                   Bucket Brigade
 A dump tank will be located 30 ft from 55-gallon barrels. Members will line up between the dump tank and barrels and shuttle water using the provided buckets. The barrel will have a rubber ducky firefighter floating around. When the rubber ducky falls out of the barrel by way of overflowing the time will stop.
Clock will stop when rubber ducky overflows.
Fire helmet and closed toe shoes will be required for this event. 
Members can not touch the rubber ducky.
Members can not touch the barrel.
Members must pass the buckets in an assembly line manner.
No running between dump tank and barrel.
Stretcher Challenge

 4 (four) members will be on the starting line. 150ft away will be the remaining member (patient). The 4 members will traverse multiple obstacles making their way towards the patient while carrying the provided stokes basket. Once to the patient, members will secure the patient in the stokes basket and return to the starting point navigating the obstacles for a second time. 
Required gear for the event will consist of all structural firefighting gear other than air pack and face mask.
All obstacles must be navigated by all members. Failure to do so will result in a 15 second penalty per member.
“Patient” must be secured via straps and neck brace. Patient can not leave or fall from the stokes basket.
Patient can not assist team with completion of the event. Patient can NOT be the same team member who participated in the rapid dress event.
Time will stop when all members including patient have crossed the finish line.
                                         Fifth Event will be a Mystery Event
Mystery Event will be introduced the morning of the competition. Participants will be given a walkthrough of the event and a planning period prior to starting.

©2018 by Aiken County Firefighters Association. Proudly created with

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